Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 62... Everything is Blooming

With days in the 70s and nights over 50 degrees, I've taken the plastic off of the hoop house and tied up some tomato stakes above the growbed.  All 4 of the tomatoes are tied with string to the stakes.  All of the tomatoes are blooming.  No noticeable fruit though.

FYI.  I pulled off some tomato suckers and "planted" them by putting the 2" suckers in the media about an 1".  They are both about 4" tall now.

The single strawberry plant has 4 strawberries on it, all green and growing.

The banana peppers (3 plants) have blooms and one pepper is about an inch and a half long.

The ruffle lettuce is over 8" tall and the bibb lettuce is about 5" tall.  The ruffled lettuce is broad but not huge.  The bibb lettuce looks more like baby spinach leaves.  There are ALLOT of bibb leaves.

The bell pepper is recovering from the aphid infestation.  New leaf growth.

The red beans have not only flowered, but there are little red beans popping up all over.

The chili peppers are still tiny.  A VERY slow growing plant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoying your blog. Thanks!