Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 45... Worms and Better Numbers

Yesterday, I stopped by Walmart to pick something up so I stopped by the sporting goods section and bought some live earthworms. Let's see if the fish are hungry for some live food today!

The worm container had about 20 worms in dirt.  I rinsed off one and tossed it in.  A small brim came over and got it before it fell a foot into the water.  He then zipped around the tank with half the worm trailing behind him.  I tossed another and another.  The other small brim got those.  After about 10 worms I noticed 3 worms have made it to the bottom and the large brim aren't touching them.

After about 5 minutes, the large brim still hadn't went after a worm.  Oh well. 

Today's Water Test
The water test came out much better today.  The nitrates dropped to 80, but the big change is that the nitrites dropped to 5 ppm.  That is in the NOT KILLING FISH range.

I didn't have any worms left from yesterday so I tried feeding them some of the sinking worm meal pellets. The little fish were ready.  They came to the front wall quickly, but were cautious.  The larger brim actually came over and caught some mid-sink.  Another few just waited and got them off of the bottom of the tank.

The weather, water temperature and tank water chemistry may finally be right for them to eat a bit.  This week is supposed to be warmer.  Heck, NOAA says we may have 82 deg on Monday.  The plants will LOVE it.

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