Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 34... Freaking Cold For Louisiana

It is March 2, 2013 and the high today is supposed to be 55 and the actual high was 45.  Since my son is home for a few days from college (Louisiana Tech, Go Dogs!), I asked him to help me add a layer of plastic on the hoop-house.  2mm + 2mm ought to hold a little more warmth.

Last night got down to 32 (4am to 6am).  At 2 pm the outside temp was 44 and the tank water was 62.  The odd thing was my 75 watt bulb that I use for heat was out.  Not burnt out, but blown out.  It had to have blown after 4 this morning because I was up for a bit and noticed the light was on.  A half inch hole right on the side of the bulb.  Now I'm on my last 75 watt bulb.

The interesting part of putting on the new sheet of plastic was feeling the heat of the water coming up from the top of the tarp.The tarp is connected to the edge of the growbed and the plastic is on the outside of the tarp.  The heat rises and along with the light bulb, the plants are keeping warm.

Tonight is supposed to be right at freezing or slightly below (31 or 30) again for two or three hours. 

Update: It was below freezing for 10 hours last night with a low of 27 for 3 hours.

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