Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 40... FISH!

I was thinking about throwing some goldfish in the fish tank and continuing the cycle with fish.  I've been looking at hatcheries that grow native Louisiana brim since I started my aquaponics setup.  Tilapia requires a permit from a state agency and I just don't want the hassle just yet.

During the week I started thinking about the ponds in my area that are maintained by the city.  There is one in a nearby neighborhood, so I decided to go by and check it out.  I brought a bucket, a small net and some stale bread from Walmart.  Ducks.  2 ducks, both all white and annoying as hell.  They wouldn't let the bread hit the water.

Soooo... what about the pond in my own neighborhood?  The pond is 6 or 7 years old and was supposedly stocked with brim and bass when they dug it to build up the properties around here. 

I don't live on a lake lot, but the "green area" that leads up to the pond is right across from my house.  I walked over, walked out on the pier and threw a piece of bread into the pond.   Dang it.  A couple of Canadian geese saw me and started over.  BUT, the bread chunk is being devoured by dozens of brim. I dropped a couple more pieces of bread in the water and leaned down with the net.

TWO SCOOPS.  I kid you not.  Two scoops of the net and I now I have 10 brim for my aquaponics setup.

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