Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 42... Nitrites Still High, Planning for 25% Water Change

With fish in the tank and nitrites high, the recommendations from the web.... which means they have to be right.  Right?  Bonjour!  I'm a French Male Model.
I have 3 buckets, a 20 gallon tote and a 30 gallon tote in the yard full of tap water, I just have to wait a few days for the chlorine to dissipate.  The fish tank is 200 gallons, so the change will be just over 25%.  Baton Rouge water is low in chlorine and, usually, neutral in PH so I will do the water exchange tomorrow or the next day.  We are expecting storms so you never know.

Maintenance and WEEDING
Since the weather was nice I pulled the top off to do some maintenance. The last picture in this blog is a weed.  Yes, a weed.  Okay it is grass, but in MY weedless garden?

I decided to thin out the green leaf lettuce by moving some plants around the bed.  I also moved a few of the chili pepper seedlings.  The boston lettuce is still too small to move, but it has come up in several dense groups.  As the Rev. Jimmy Swaggart would say if he had a speech impediment... "I have THINNED."
Veggie Stats
The bell pepper leaves are still not to the pre-aquaponics level, but the plant has been flowering and even has a small pepper (about 1/2" in diameter).  The strawberry and banana peppers are also budding out.

That Storm I Mentioned
As I am typing, the winds have kicked up to over 20 mph and the hoop house has flexed so that the outer hoop has bent under the 2nd hoop... gotta fix it.

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