Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Solids, Flowers and Peppers

The solids filter is doing great, but is thorough enough.  I took the tube that goes to the bottom of the fish tank and added a 90 deg to it, along with a tube that runs diagonally across the bottom of the tank.  The new tube has holes on the bottom and slots on the top.  We shall see if the added surface area on the bottom keeps the tank cleaner.

I've been draining out the collected solids and using it to water my new crepe myrtles and the plants along the front of my house.  The 4 crepe myrtles were planted last November and now have spring growth.  I had some plants that weren't doing very well that I planted last spring.  The watering has sparked a pretty impressive amount of new growth.  The picture shows 3 of the bushes that I've been watering.  The one in the middle is healthy.  The outer two are getting there.

The Garden
As far as the garden goes, everything is flowering.  I still haven't seen any tomato buds, but the plants are getting huge.  I need to stake them up a bit more.  The 3 banana pepper plants are covered in buds. The bell pepper has flowers, but no buds.

The red beans ... I don't know what I'm looking at.  Flowers are obvious, but I'm looking for pictures of what the buds will look like.

The strawberry has 6 berries growing.  The bush needs more sun, but the red beans and the tomatoes are shading it.

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