Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 44... Water Change Results/ FIRST SALAD

I changed 55 gallons of water yesterday.  I siphoned the old water into a 50 gallon bin and dumped the 2 day old water into the tank.  The temperature of the old water and new water was within 5 degrees so the fish shouldn't have been that shocked.

Before the water change I noticed that one of the ten bluegill is swimming at an odd angle.

I also flushed the water pump and cleaned the intakes.  I think I'll need to adjust the flow rates again because the growbed was filling faster.  I want the growbed to flush at 15 minute intervals and the circulation line back into the tank takes the excess at whatever pressure is left over.

This morning the PH is the same, the chlorine is down, the nitrates are slightly lower (80) and the nitrites are slightly lower, but still higher than 10. I didn't check on the fish

The Taste Test
My ruffled lettuce is about 3" tall... time for a taste test.  I made a salad out of a handful of lettuce cuttings, but it wasn't quite a "salad" worth of lettuce, so I added 2 romaine leaves, some tomatoes, a few mandarin orange slices and some cherry cranberries.  It was great.  The lettuce didn't have the slightest hint of fish shit.

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