Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 35... Something Odd. Chlorine Up / PH Down

Eggshell Container
The cold last night doesn't seem to have done any damage.  Heck, the water was 62 deg. at noon today.

The water has consistently been testing with no chlorine.  Yesterday, chlorine registered on the test strip.  I thought that it was just a fluke.  The test showed 1 ppm today.

The PH has dropped to 6.2 - 6.4.

What is different?  I have been adding a 1/4 cup of ammonia every other day in the morning.  On the afternoon that I add the ammonia, the strip shows 1 ppm.  The next afternoon is .5 ppm.
I added a bag of eggshells to the growbed this afternoon and took a bunch of pictures.

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