Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 33... Thinking About Adding Fish

Tilapia or brim (sun perch)?  The hybrid brim is known for being hardy, but has a problem with breeding only males.  Not really sustainable, is it?  Louisiana requires a permit ($25 from Wildlife and Fisheries) and a sealed environment.  ie. a greenhouse.  I have that, don't I?

I found a cool article on adding fish, They talk about the perfect water and feeding.
If you're wondering... Nitrates are almost 200 ppm, but nitrites are > 10 by several shades of red.

My beans have taken off.  23 plants at last count.  Remember, that is 23 plants in a single row, 3 1/2' long. Too much?

The new chili pepper and Bibb or "boston" lettuce seeds are popping up.  I scattered the lettuce around the bed because Boston lettuce is usually small and tight. 

A friend warned me about the chili peppers heating up the other peppers.  This is LOUISIANA, dude.  BRING IT ON!

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