Saturday, February 23, 2013

New plants, Seeds and a Walkway

Yesterday's cycle readings were showing trace Nitrates!  There was also a rise in nitrites and a reduction in ammonia.  It will be interesting to measure this evening.

I took a closer look at everything today in the first sunshine that we have had in days.  The strawberry plant has new growth in the center and the pepper plant is COVERED with new growth.  I had seeded some red beans last week.  They are sprouting.  Amazing.

So with the cycle almost finished and all of the new growth, I decided to proceed with the next phase of the project.  More plants and a timer on the fill/drain.

I bought a pack of lettuce seeds and a pack of chili peppers.  I also did a no-no and bought several seeded plants, 3 tomatoes and 3 banana peppers.  I put the stuff that should get tall on the north side and the lettuce on the south side.

Our area has had record rain for this winter so my yard is saturated.  I bought 12 concrete 16"X16" stepping stones in a red brick pattern to help with keeping my feet dry.  I put a few as a walkway to the garden and the others went around the garden.

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