Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 27... Nitrates Are 20 Parts Per Million

The nitrates are on the scale! YEA!
  • ammonia is still more than 1, but less than 3 parts per million
  • nitrates are 20 parts per million
  • nitrites are off the scale (>10 parts per million)
  • chlorine has always been 0
  • Baton Rouge water is NOT hard
  • alkalinity is 120 to 180 (ideal)
  • ph is 7.8 
The cycle is almost done.  I haven't added any ammonia in a week and the levels are finally dropping.  The ammonia has to come down to zero and the nitrites to zero as well.  Once the ammonia gets to below 1, I'm going to start adding ammonia again.

This means that I am closer to getting fish.  Lafayette, Louisiana has a fish hatchery with coppernose brim and hybrid brim.  Its about a 45 mile drive... maybe next weekend or the weekend after that. 

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