Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 25 ... Nitrites and Ammonia at 3

Baton Rouge is rainy, but warmer today. 70 deg high.  They predicted 20 mph winds and from the looks of things we may have gotten some gusts.  The plastic had pulled out from under one side of the bungee cord. Easy fix.

The water in the fish tank is also 70 deg which should help with the cycle.  I have the fill/drain going with about 15 minutes from the end of the siphon to the end of the next siphon.

It looks like the nitrites are starting to rise.... YEA!
  • ammonia is still about 3 parts per million
  • nitrates are 0 (but MORE COLOR)
  • nitrites are 3 parts per million
  • chlorine has always been 0
  • Baton Rouge water is NOT hard
  • alkalinity is 120 to 180 (ideal)
  • ph is 7.8 (lost some color)
Plants Update
I noticed that the pepper plant MAY NOT be dead.  It appears to have new growth or at least the growth looks new.

The lettuce is growing and more is appearing.  An aquaponics blog DID say that lettuce was the easiest thing to start.  The biggest plant is about an inch tall and has 3 leaves.  There are at least 20 plants... too close together.  I'll do something about that later.  Maybe.

The strawberry still looks sickly.  It has 2 green leaves and several brown ones.  I have other plants waiting in the wings, so I've been threatening to dig it up if it doesn't straighten up and fly right!

The red beans aren't sprouting.  I've read that red beans should be sprouted in peat and then moved once they have growth, but who cares?  I still haven't cycled.

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