Thursday, May 16, 2013

Vermiculture produces a unexpected crop

I didn't document it, but I built a worm bin and combined my two worm beds into it.  I had one bed that was in my old raised bed garden and another that I just threw together in a Styrofoam cooler.  The new worm bin is made from 3 10-gallon tubs, shredded newspaper and the existing dirt from the Styrofoam cooler.

I've been throwing food waste in it and some butternut squash seeds sprouted.
I had just cleaned out the red beans and lettuce from my growbed and now I have space for my summer garden.  I was about to seed some butternut squash seeds and now I have them already.  Yea!

I will be seeding a few Zucchini, yellow squash and few cilantro seeds this weekend.  FYI, I tried seeding a few cilantro seeds directly into the growbed a few weeks ago by wrapping a small piece of paper napkin around them to keep them from flowing with the water, but none of them germinated. 

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