Thursday, May 16, 2013

Picking the red beans and Pulling up the lettuce

The internet says, "let the red beans dry a bit on the vine.  When beans rattle, its time to pick." Half the bean pods are brown, the others are green.  The net said, once you pick, pull the plants up because they only produce once.  The net doesn't lie.
My son and I pulled all the bean plants, shook the rocks out of the roots and pulled the bean pods off.  I planted 24 dry red beans, I got about 100+ fresh, ready to cook (or dry) red.beans.
The lettuce was bolting all over.  Time to pick what I can as I rip it all out.  I got almost another gallon bag of lettuce off of the plants that weren't bolting.

The last picture should be the growbed after we cleared the lettuce and red bean plants.  I cleaned out all of the roots and leaves that I could see.  It looks like I have lots of available space for my aquaponics summer garden.

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