Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lettuce Is Bolting. Nitrates Are Down

 Have you ever had a week where you have plans for a weekend project and just don't feel up to it?  I was going to build a worm growing system, but I was too busy at work this week to come up with a plan.  It is a simple idea, but I still like to have a plan.

My lettuce is beginning to bolt.  I have never grown lettuce, so I have been looking at pictures online of what to look for.  The pictures online aren't much help because their plants are farther apart than mine and grow short and wide.  My seeds flowed together and then grew on stalks as they were fighting for light.  I really should have taken a better picture from above.

I took out about 10 plants, roots and all.  I took those plants, cut them up and put them in the worm beds.  From the remaining plants I got ANOTHER bag of lettuce.  Hopefully, I didn't pick any from a plant that has turned bitter.

I checked the nitrates today and I'm not happy.  20 ppm nitrates is too low.  Everything else was in the normal or ideal zone, so I'm adding a few sheets of  dried seaweed.  I'll check again in a few days.

The tomatoes are going nuts.  The tomatoes look like a grape vine nightmare.  I have grape-like clusters of fruit, but nothing is ripening yet.  Soon.

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