Monday, April 22, 2013

Tomatoes, 6th bag of lettuce, banana peppers and a few dozen red beans

It has been a while since I posted because the system has been cruising along.  6 bags of lettuce and so far, no bolting.  The banana peppers are huge and ... look like bananas.  The single strawberry plant is yielding 2" long strawberries, 2 or 3 a time.

The tomatoes are coming along.  A pruning accident a while back actually yielded my first tomato bud.  I was pruning off the lower branches of one of the 4 tomato plants, I cut the wrong thing and the top of the plant fell over, leaving the branch that I was trying to prune.  I stuck the top of THAT plant deep into the gravel.  The 2nd picture shows the roots that it created for itself. 

Now, there are several clusters of tomato buds.  Nothing has ripened yet.  The biggest one of them all is abjust under  2" in diameter and growing.

The red beans have sprouted bean pods.  Based on the number of pods... we'll have 50 to 60 red beans.  Cup-o-soup anyone?

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